OTT Strategy Consulting
Continuous technological developments and new opportunities for global broadcast infrastructures, applications and services pose the recurring challenge of bringing your audience's experiences into the future day after day. Ultra HD, 8k bitrates, 360 ° videos and Advanced Virtual Reality are still far from the zenith of your job. Follow us to the solution...
Multi, Managed, or Hyper CDN, DB Sharding - since the cloud is finite as well - and many more topics are catching the attention of your IT, while business and product design are taking the next steps to maintain the youthfulness and progressiveness of your applications and apps. Accompanied by new monetization models, innovative features to temporarily generate necessary unique selling points, conducted by King Content and Queen User Experience...
You already know the limitations of classic paths and you now move over-the-top, because OTT creates ubiquity and increasingly connects your viewers in better, shared experiences. OTT is our path as well - starting with our experience, leading the way through our vision, we not only chart, but guide you through the OTT Multiverse as we assist you in selecting and developing the tools you need - your WIANCO OTT Experts.
Services at a glance
- OTT Monetization Strategy Development li>
- IS vs State of the Art - Product Gap Analysis li>
- OTT Management Consulting li>
- Cost Reduction in OTT Infrastructures li>
- Quality Improvement in Broadcasting li>
- Raising the Reach in the OTT Market li>
- OTT Trends - Current and Future li>
- Product Design and System Specifications li>
- Handling Big Data correctly li>
- The UX Challenge li>
OTT Projectmanagement
Even though the "Time to Market", due to its critical success for IT products, only allows for decreasing development times, project timelines in the OTT environment are naturally very short and often event-driven. Sport events, the publication of new series and other content productions as well as necessary reactions to the rapidly changing spectator spectrum form the accelerators in your project landscape in addition to new technical possibilities. We understand that and proactively counter challenges rather than just react to them.
Services at a glance
- Project management according to classical process model li>
- OTT project management according to agile methods li>
- Project plan Preparation and monitoring of implementation li>
- Acceptance of the project results of internal and external stakeholders li>
- Resource procurement and controlling to reduce project times li>
- Cost Planning, Controlling and Reporting li>
- PMO and Presentations li>
- Stakeholder Management li>
- Change Management li>
- Scrum Mastering and Product Ownership li>
OTT Technical Projectmanagement
The enormous complexity of your IT components in the backend, headend, in the middleware and in the frontend necessitates the use of technically highly experienced experts next to classic project management, who are able to keep track of the technical and interdisciplinary aspects. We know the complete route from recording a live event via satellite and / or IP, receiving and passing transponders for further transcoding, DRM encryption, storage, streaming and CDN distribution right through to the different players of your client applications with which you enable spectators to experience - not just to watch. Your Wianco OTT experts determine the success for you, rather than leaving it to chance.
Services at a glance
- OTT Technical Project Management li>
- IT Quality Assurance in all project phases and milestones li>
- Technical Change and Release Management in the project li>
- Technical details planning and monitoring of implementation li>
- Technical milestone approval, Testing and Deployments li>
- Control of internal and external developers and other technical suppliers li>
- Architecture Consulting li>
- Preparation of technical documentation (specifications, technical concepts, system concepts, etc.) li>
- IT-Controlling (time and cost and challenging of submitted quotes) li>
- IT resource planning, staffing and control in the project li>
- IT Governance li>
OTT Security
OTT platforms require multiple protections that go far beyond ensuring streaming quality, scalability and resilience. The information and data protection law makes special demands on the type, location, extent and use of the collected data within and outside the contract periods of your customers. Since this not only affects your productive live environment, but also extends into the layers of your past and future data backups, it is necessary to gain a holistic view of the underlying processes.
In addition, further aspects of OTT security have to be mastered - for example, the correct implementation of child protection concepts, which focus on ensuring the safety of your youngest viewers. And the vulnerability of your content implies the need to use DRM, player and transcoding in concert. Use our expertise to gain and keep track.
Services at a glance
- Information and Data Protection Consulting (IuD) li>
- OTT IuD concept design and data deletion concepts li>
- Legally sound data backups li>
- OTT Security Concepts li>
- Source Code Analyzes li>
- ISMS Planning and Development (Information Security Management Systems) li>
- OTT Monitoring, Diagnostics and KPI Tracking li>
- Correct OTT opt-in / opt-out process and metadata modeling li>
- Digital Rights Management (DRM) Implementations li>
- Verification of child protection implementations and prevention of UX losses li>