RPA and Testautomation
EMMA is digitization that can be experienced and enables automated end-to-end process and test automation of any system and any software on any device without science fiction.
We know the principles and limits of previous RPA software and test automation, recognized their problems, limitations and recurring efforts and developed EMMA to raise the possibilities of robot-based process and test automation to a professional, cost-saving evolutionary level - optionally with eye, ear and touch sensors as well as the necessary artificial intelligence to correctly carry out the automated regression tests and RPA workflows even if you have changed the color, shape, size, position or designation of the control elements of your applications - 24/7, without any signs of fatigue, whether on site with you or remotely with us...
An overview of your options - with or without hardware
- EMMA RPA Software - PC Automation for banks, insurance companies, law firms, HR departments, ...
- EMMA RPA Control for medical devices, ticket machines, cockpits of the automotive or aerospace
- EMMA Device RPA for Touch Devices, Smartphones, SmartTVs, Set-Top-Boxes, Digital Signages, Voice Controlled Devices
- EMMA RPA Studio (generation, implementation, analysis and reporting for process automation)
- EMMA Test Studio (generation, execution, analysis and reporting of automated tests)
This is EMMA
And who are you?
EMMA supports YOU in the technically best and cheapest automation, even if you are not a developer, test automation engineer or RPA expert (Robotic Process Automation).
Are you CEO, CFO, CIO or CTO and would like to know how to reduce costs for highly qualified employees and all your employees to work empower for whom you normally need software developers? Automation with our friendly robot process engineer EMMA not only reduces your costs considerably. EMMA even reduces your risks (in terms of time and money) that are normally associated with changes to your existing IT systems by developers.
How is that possible? With EMMA, your employees in all departments can use their own valuable know-how for company processes and systems and convert them into automated processes via EMMA.
Sounds too good to be true? We hear that a lot and then just prove it.
Are you a developer wondering why we developed EMMA to reduce business requirements for developers, even if we are developers ourselves? There is so much exciting to do in this world that you and we don't have to waste our time developing test or process automation that robots can do with the people who already have the business processes - like. How can you benefit from EMMA? Use them and let them do the annoying tasks that you don't like to develop anyway, and focus on really exciting work. We are in the age of digitization, so there is enough for us to do anyway.
Are you test manager or responsible for IT quality in your company? We know and understand that you do not want to reduce your team of 30 employees and only want to speak to EMMA. But the good news is: you don't have to if you don't want to. Many other test managers have not downsized their teams either, but have empowered them to do 10 times more regression tests than before. This has resulted in higher quality, revision-proof automated test reports and motivated testers who like to automate with EMMA instead of repeating tedious tests. Don't test the quality - certify it!
Are you a test automation engineer ? Then you should fear for your job ... This is just a joke. Get EMMA, make your job easier and use the time you have gained to further develop business intelligence in your company by showing your colleagues how they can also automate with EMMA can. They will love you - so will your company.
We are the WIANCO RPA Experts and our areas of expertise are RPA, AI, ML, IT project management, IT controlling, IT quality assurance & process optimization.
We always keep our promise. Call us for a remote demo:
EMMA - Go Automatic.
Overview of RPA services
- RPA Process Consulting
- RPA Process Mangement
- Automation As a Service
- Business Process Analysis and Process Mining
- Business Process Optimization
- RPA Controlling
- RPA Conzept Reviews
- RPA Training
- Correct application of classic and agile process models in automation
- Testing and certification of your RPA processes